When registering the idCAT Mobile online, you may encounter possible errors. Here's how to solve them:
I did not receive the SMS

In case you do not receive the SMS message after a few minutes:
- Consult the Status of Services to check if there is a general incident affecting the reception of SMS.
- Add mobile 600 12 47 12 to your contact list and try again.
- Check that you have not blocked SMS from the sender 600 12 47 12 or that your mobile phone does not have any telephone SPAM blocking software. Also check the "Spam and Blocked" SMS folder and try again.
- Contact your telephone operator to verify that SMS input from the mobile phone 600 12 47 12 is not being blocked and try again.
- As a general rule, the SMS is always sent and non-reception is usually the problem of the telephone operator. If you want to verify that the SMS was sent correctly by us, contact with us. Remember that you have at your disposal other means to identify yourself before the public administrations, such as a digital certificate (for example the idCAT Certificate or electronic ID) or cl@ve.
The mobile phone is associated with another citizen
The idCAT Mobile links a single person (through the identification document) to a single mobile phone number. If you see this message, it means that the mobile phone number you are indicating is already registered to idCAT Mobile in the name of another citizen. To solve this, you will have to go in person to a idCAT Mobile Registration Entity of the Generalitat de Catalunya (OAC's of the Generalitat) where you can do the unlinking immediately.
Registration could not be completed. You already had idCAT Mobile
The idCAT Mobile links a single person (through the identification document) to a single mobile phone number.
In this case, the system has detected that your identification document has already been registered, and therefore considers that you already have the idCAT Mobile phone.
If you registered with a phone that you no longer have access to, see How can I unlink my mobile number from idCAT Mobile.
To use it, consult How the idCAT Mobile works.
Incorrect CatSalut card number

Check that you are entering the alphanumeric code that appears below the barcode of the Health Card. The voucher code is not valid.
If the data you are indicating is what appears on your health card, contact your CAP or 061 to verify that the code currently listed in CatSalut is the one you have on the card.
Invalid MUFACE membership number
You are using the mutual card (e.g. Adeslas) and not the MUFACE card
MUFACE subcontracts the assistance service to other mutuals such as Adeslas. The code that may appear on the card is not the same as the one that appears on the MUFACE card where the requested membership number appears.
You can use MUFACE both if you are the holder and the beneficiary, but keep in mind that the membership number for both will be the same and the registration date will be found on the left hand side of the card.
Incorrect official ID

Check that you are putting in the DNI or TIE (Foreigner's Identity Card) that is reported to Catsalut.
If you see this error, it is because the official identity document entered does not correspond to the one on CatSalut. In this case, you will need to contact your CAP or 061 to find out how to update the document in their system.
The validity date is mandatory

Check that the document expiration date is in the format dd/mm/yyyy, for example 07/07/1985
The date of birth entered does not match the one on the DGP

Check that the date of birth entered is the one on your official identity document. If the date is correct, contact us by attaching a screenshot of the ID showing the date of birth and a screenshot of the error you are getting.
The validity date entered does not match the one in the DGP

Check that the validity date entered is the one shown on your official identity document. If the date is correct, contact us by attaching a screenshot of the ID showing the validity date and a screenshot of the error you are getting.
A valid certificate was not submitted

The system allows registration with a digital certificate, if you see this error check:
- That the certificate used is a natural person certificate (such as idCAT or DNI-e), corporate natural person certificate (such as the T-CAT or T-CAT P) or representative natural person certificate (such as the representative certificates issued by CAMERFIRMA, ANCERT and other Certification Service Providers).
- That the certificate is properly installed:
- If yours is a software certificate, consult the instructions of your Certification Service Provider and ensure that you have it properly installed and configured so that it is accessible from your browser.
- If yours is a certificate on a card , or on any other type of cryptographic device, consult the instructions of your Certification Service Provider and check that the device software is properly configured (CSP or PKCS#11 and reader drivers).
Note: Digital certificates of legal entities or electronic seals are not accepted.
Registration could not be completed. Review the information provided
In this case, check that the data you entered is correct and try again. This error could also appear when there is a system overload.
If you do not know how to proceed in your case,contact us so that we can help you resolve your query or specific incident.