The register in which the identity and electronic contact data of citizens who use idCAT Mobile are stored, as well as any other data that must be safeguarded for technical or security reasons, is the database " Electronic Headquarters of the Administration of the Generalitat of Catalonia ", owned by the Department of the Presidency.
The AOC Consortium is authorized by the Department of the Presidency to access the database "Electronic Headquarters of the Administration of the Generalitat of Catalonia", in order to carry out actions to validate the identity of registered citizen users, when they have requested to obtain an electronic key to interact with the administrations of the Public Sector of Catalonia, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on the protection of personal data.
In this case, the AOC Consortium is considered responsible for processing , in accordance with article 12 of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data.
In the scope of the provision of the idCAT Mobile service , the transfer of personal data to the consumer organizations of the system is foreseen , in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on the protection of personal data.
In any case, when the user wishes to use the system to identify, authenticate or sign electronically, they are authorizing the use of their personal data for this purpose. The Consumer Organizations will at all times observe the provisions of current data protection regulations regarding the processing of personal data provided, or collected and processed as a result of the provision of the idCAT Mòbil system.
Related content: How can I register for idCAT Mobile?